Saturday, September 5, 2009


As I am writing, my husband has 24 hrs left to his "WILD WILDERNESS RETREAT!", and they could not go by faster. Meshach is growling like a lion, watching Word World. Zeke is in the bathroom, "pooping" (a.k.a. playing with the water and making a huge mess). Noah is ripping open the baby wipes package and trying to eat them. Jov is sleeping (thank ya JESUS).

So why am I at the computer, writing, you ask. Because if I don't write now then I never will.

Here goes. Brandon is a psycho path. He watches Survivorman and Man vs. Wild and gets this crazy idea to go out camping with his friends having only the clothes on their backs, 1lb of trail mix, and 1 gallon of water. He wants the challenge of having to live right off of what the earth has to offer around him. Like I said, psycho path. This is my gift to him for his 25th birthday. It truly is a gift that I give to let him have the weekend off of damage control and drop him off on Miracle Mountain to frolic in the wilderness. He didn't even want me to send him off with beer. Maybe he felt like he didn't need beer this weekend to drown out the sound of four screaming children (and sometimes one screaming wife).

However, I do understand where he gets his desire to go out and rough it. I think everyone desires something that's out of the ordinary to give them a kick. It's like being in 80 degree weather for weeks, and suddenly getting the urge to take an ice cold shower. It's invigorating. So if he wants to go out and get in touch with his primitive masculine self, well then to each his own. As long as he doesn't come home all weak and pitiful, needing me to pamper him, I'm good.

As for me and getting through this weekend without him, obviously I'm gonna need lots of pampering as soon as he gets home. Last night I took my four boys and met two other moms and their children for a dinner play date. The intimidating mass of our eight children (seven of them being boys), scared all the other kids away from the play area we met up in at the mall. Well at least that reduced the number of children Noah could terrorize (Noah is going through a biting/smacking/pinching stage). We then decided to make our lives even more difficult, and take the kids all out to a sit down restaurant. I think I had two brain aneurysms during that dinner. Although two single ladies graciously volunteered their time to help us, there is nothing quite like the stern rebuke from a Papa. On the way home I stopped at Starbucks and treated myself to a delicious Pumpkin Latte. I figured I burned plenty of calories while I was flapping my jaw yelling at the kids all evening. When we got home I threw the screaming, emotional, over exhausted kids into their beds. Then I threw my screaming, emotional, over exhausted butt onto the couch and watched The Real Housewives of New Jersey. After Jov had his last feeding of the night I headed for my beloved. The Bed. Beautiful clouds of white fluffiness beckoning me to come and rest my weary eyes. This peaceful transition from chaos to nirvana was interrupted by an incredibly rude possum lurking outside my window. Because of him (of course it was a male possum, no female possum would have had the audacity of getting in between a mommy and her bed) I had a spotty night of sleep, waking up periodically thinking the possum had snuck into my house and was under my bed sheets waiting to gnaw on my toes.

Brandon cannot come home soon enough.